Thursday 17 May 2012

Bone Scans and CPR

Fig. 1 Patient presents with multiple rib fractures as well as a fracture of the sternum

So what's wrong with this picture?  There are several things as you can note with multiple rib fractures and a sternal fracture as well.  Originally the patient was to have scans on the hands and wrist as indicated on the requisition.  A total body  scan was performed with locals of the hands and wrist.  The locals were unremarkable, but the chest and ribs are very remarkable.

Some clues for you.  No recent thoracic surgery or recent motor vehicle accident.  The patient walked into the department with no deficits.  However, and this might give it away, he did recently have a heart attack.

If you have guessed it, this person was a recipient of CPR administration a month earlier after he had a heart attack.  The delivery of chest compressions from the CPR contributed to the current presentation.  If this was me, forget the CPR, just use the AED's and zap away!

Click here for another example that I found online in regards to bone scans and CPR.

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